
Hello if there's anyone viewing
my blog please tag (:

♥Pass all my modules /exams
♥Lose 5 kg or more
♥Grow taller 155cm
♥Not be so short tempered?
♥Be more sociable
♥Polariod camera
♥Get myself bracelet charms
♥Have long tees /dresses
♥Have cute stuff
♥go to wildwildwet again
♥Nice caps

Saturday, April 28, 20129:05 PM
New semester really try hard to change my view towards M, eg. when M do something that is in my view not very good, i will try change my view about her being bad... Thinking that there's nothing wrong with M is just me being negative or bias towards M. But after two weeks of school i still end up
feeling negative towards M. Try very hard not to judge her... but but...what she does really annoyed(?) me. Just don't like her being so proud, feeling that she's the cleverest cause she gets into the director's list.


I feel that people don't like to talk or listen to me talk... nvm then i got this little corner of mine to type out what i want....remain silent is the best so i would be a annoying person..i guess... Jojo having you i feel comforted and secure, how i wish i can turn back time....
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Sunday, April 22, 20129:04 PM
心烦啊!Feel kind of depress and guilty... if i didn't invite siting,sihui, eric, xueqi, xueqi's mum & sister to korkor's wedding dinner then things would be easier. All of them are not coming so dina & korkor have to find people to fill up the sits. ): It's all my fault...
Stressed up 1 week of school already so stressful all the ICAs , written assignments that require us to write 300 words, 500words, 800words, journal critique, FYP and skills assessment. Very busy year hope i survive or else the past two years will be a waste...

Ah jo hope you're doing fine with daddy . It's going 4months that you're not around, I really miss you very much. How i wish you're still around , last time when i'm sad or angry , when i saw you when i reached home , my mood with turns better. But now whenever i'm sad or unhappy you're not around to accompany or brighten up my mood...now i can only silently cry in the night to release my sadness and unhappiness
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Friday, April 20, 20128:20 PM
Saw horoscope stuff on someone's blog then copy and paste. So this is something about me that is quite true.... i guess?

巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer 终极完美分析 巨蟹是心软的,容易被感动,即使表面看起来总是有一副硬硬的壳,但那壳子底下是一颗柔软敏感到极至的内心。它们面对一份感情是犹豫再三的,不要说它们懦弱,它们只是明白自己是容易受伤的。他们对感情抱有信仰,相信纯真、相信天长地久,所以有时是挑剔的。这是一层表面坚硬的壳,其实攻克轻而易举,因为蟹蟹有一颗柔软的心。蟹蟹恋爱了,这时的它们变的很粘人,很婆妈,因为你是它的中心,它会为你考虑很多,饭吃了吗?天气会变了吗?记得带伞哦!路上车多,慢点走哦!……..诸如此类!

蟹蟹是深情而痴情的,爱上一个人会爱的很深,即使明知道没有结果也很难自拔。这是巨蟹的一种固执,想要得到的东西,往往不会轻易放手。有时,一段没有结果的恋情会成为蟹蟹的生活重心。这无疑是痛苦的,但又难以自拔。然而,巨蟹的不安全感又在内心大叫着放弃,所以这时的蟹蟹总是在坚持和放弃的巨大矛盾中苦苦煎熬着。学会放弃是蟹蟹的一门功课.当然,如果蟹蟹真的决定放弃了,它的坚决会让所有人吃惊。 要记住:除了你自己,没有人可以伤害到你 蟹子是痴情的,但又不善于表达,面对自己心爱的人拘谨、放不开。它们的幽默感此刻变得生涩。 蟹子是深情的,但又不善于把握,为什么一次次控制不住自己的情绪,说出明知不该讲的话?分裂而善于幻想的寄居蟹在说巨蟹之前,先说说几个一直以来欣赏的几个偶像,他们都不同,但他们有一个共同点,就是,他们都是巨蟹男。周星驰,王家卫,罗大佑,李宗盛,梁朝伟,张学友……一般在每次排行榜中总是靠末的巨蟹们,看起来并没有很明显的个性,但是,他们在艺术方面的直觉和敏锐却是别人难以匹敌,从这几个人名里就不难看出。他们在生活中都是温文尔雅的,被动的,甚至往往是沉默的,但是在他们的电影,歌曲中,却展露出令人惊异的才华,让我们总是不由自主的为之倾倒。当周星驰让我们笑得泪水横流的时候,我们也早听闻其实戏外的他认真严肃,不苟言笑,对待朋友和情人都很苛刻;我们知道在戏里演什么都神形毕似的影帝梁朝伟同性格南辕北辙的射手刘嘉玲20多年同居,至今都不愿结婚,他总是说,其实他的人生就是在戏里;我们知道张学友出道前曾经是黑社会的小混混,天天宿醉,自暴自弃,也看到张学友成名后依然为了家庭拼命打拼,几近崩溃……  这就是巨蟹,其实,最能说明巨蟹特质的,就是--分裂无论是哪一种蟹,他们都有着分裂的思想。他们渴望安定,也渴望出人头地,他们内心充满艺术的灵感,夸张的幻象,但是在现实生活中,他们总是低眉顺眼,很难真正展露心中的狂想。所以在艺术的舞台上,他们反而得以施展,让心中奇异的狂想放大到极致,他们可以将任何一首歌一个角色演绎的入木三分,所有来自于生活中被动的接受,在艺术的殿堂上得到了最好的宣泄,所以巨蟹真的应该属于舞台。即使没有好的歌喉没有好的外形,但是他们有良好的感受力和表现力,他们的性格实际上更像是一只寄居蟹,在真正自我的生活中,他们常常将自己包裹的很紧,但在诠释和演绎别人的时候,他们那内心的感情得到了释放。  


永远无法抹去的自卑巨蟹们其实是自我感觉很好的心高气傲的一群人,但是却又难以克服时时刻刻想躲进壳里的自卑感。他们天生多疑和敏感,碰到困难,就先躲进壳里,自欺欺人,在梦中编织自我的安全感,而从来没有想到如何主动将危机转化为机遇。他们对待困难的消极方式,使他们总很难真正木秀于林,他们总在捕捉他们认为最好的时机,但是那个时机却总是无法到来,其实世间哪有万全之策?当蟹蟹们艰苦的自我互博之时,大好时机已经失去。但是要改变这种天生的自卑感确乎很难,蟹蟹们几乎完全不由自主。 怀旧是巨蟹们的人生主旋律巨蟹们非常怀旧。他们喜欢旧东西,怀恋旧感情,对家庭有着天然的眷恋。泛黄的相片,褪色的丝带,尘封的梳妆台……所有一切带有浪漫情调的旧物,都可以让他们独自神伤,黯然追想,他们总是沉浸在过去的回忆里,永远记得年少时的孤寂敏感,永远记得初恋情人,多年后仍然四处找寻初恋情人的消息,慰籍多年来始终保持新鲜的记忆。所以王家卫的电影总喜欢用这样的句式开头:多年以后……  忽冷忽热患得患失的爱情他们天生悲观,永远需要多一点,更多一点的安全感。为什么他们如此需要安全感,因为他们天生就没有安全感,所以他们是很容易恐慌的,所以他们也就变得非常的多疑和猜忌。爱上一个巨蟹是要仔细思量的,因为他们会突然忽冷忽热,突然置之不理,突然恶言相向,但是其实他们并非不爱你,他们有时候是在跟自己呕气。他们渴望天天24小时同你粘在一起,他们对爱人有着强烈的占有欲,恨不得掏心掏肺给你,他们关注你的点点滴滴,小到为你买一支发卡,大到帮你选择哪路公车……他们都费劲心思,他们时时刻刻每件事都为你考量,但又因为付出的不停增加而变得越来越担心害怕,会不会得不到对等的爱。所以他们会突然变得冷淡了,也许只因为你一个眼神,他们就觉得你已经不如从前,于是开始无休止的试探,他们说话总是转弯抹角,但是却总希望你永远清晰表态,假设某天你也含糊了一下,那就完了,蟹蟹们立刻条件反射的开始惴想出无数个虚拟场景,在无尽的悲观中,意淫出种种悲惨场面,然后再见你时,就已经是冷口冷面,甚至说出无比绝情的话语--所以,你和巨蟹的他们,是要努力去磨合的,给他们足够的信赖和安全,他们回馈你的,绝对让你感动的热泪盈眶。  



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Sunday, April 15, 201212:33 PM
I think i can ditch my phone already. I only use it to sms, call, listen to music and take pictures.
Sms & calling is not often used. For music, i listen to music when i'm bored, unhappy or on the bus. For the camera function, i still take picture but not any frequent as last time when my little jo is still around. How i wish i can time travel back when i still have a bicycle which has a basket attached to it and to when i do not have a phone. Happily cycle around the neighbourhood bringing jojo with me , life then was carefree. Really miss the past....
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Friday, April 13, 20126:45 PM
Throughout the years , when i was studyingall the teacher written in testimonial that i'm a gentle and quiet or even a soft spoken person. But infact i'm neither a gentle nor a soft spoken person i just keeping my mouth shut according to the environment and situation. In my report book it is most of the time written there the word "gentle"& " quiet".Even now in poly during my attachment the CI(clinical instructor )also write something similiar. It's so untrue. The only CI that didn't judge us by how we are during attachment is the CI from IMH. Have a good chat with him on the assessment day which we need to present our case study, it's like talking to someone you know different from the other attachment as when the CI return us our learning guide book and do evaluation, it's kind of tense ? i always have nothing much to say & feel that there's always this gap between me and the CIs. This CI-and-studentnurse gap , as in they are CI and not someone you know, like friends.
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3:54 PM
shouldn't have continue studying , should have gone to work, earn money and support myself . Now i'm a burden to mum. Always when quarelling she will be scolding that i'm always gentle to other than her. She don't even know how i'm like outside then she judge me. When i outside i can be the same as i'm like at home just that because of the environment i will be quiet doesn't mean that i'm gentle . I admit that i'm selfish, rude, bad tempered and all the negative things that you can think of . She will also say that she doesn't need our money to live she can support herself , i know right, i never say that she need. I just wish i can go work now instead of studying and waste her money. Same old things she will say that Dad is the most important to her, we the children are not important to her. So i'm just a burden to her, how i wish that i'm not in this world that most or all people don't like me , and even i don't like myself. I can say that i'm the most unfilial daughter in the whole world. I don't provide any form of financial support to the family , rather useless person. Saying how i treat her will be how my children treat me , i know i know. I always tell myself that in the future i will be treated badly and when i'm old i will suffer and live all alone , no one will be bothered by my existence. And when i die , i will suffer the worse treatment or punishment ever. I know these. If i can i wish and hope that i'm not in this world in exchange of daddy and jojo to live.
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Sunday, April 1, 20126:18 PM
Sometimes when i'm all alone , all the negative thoughts will surface in my brain. Eventhough i have friends , it seems like i do have any. It has been so long since anyone has ask me out. I think because probably i have bad personality , attitude and so on. Daddy left , ah jo also left.... one by one all left. I have no life , as i grow older i feel that i getting lonelier than even. How I wish i can stay at a younger age like below 9 forever , at least i can stay happy and carefree rather than grow older and have all those negative thoughts , low in confidence , complain alot .
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